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Best Price Guarantee
Best Price Guarantee

Best Price Guarantee

Found a lower price? We'll match it.

We're so confident that we've got the best prices. If you find a lower price on any identical item in Australia, we'll price match it.

Please simply send an email to with the following information for online price matching. 

- Product URL(s) from our competitors' website
- Quantity you'd like to purchase
- Delivery Address
- Contact Number

To qualify for our price match guarantee, the product must meet the following criteria:

  • The product must be identical to the Toypark product
  • The product must be immediately available to be purchased
  • The product price must not be part of a closing down sale, liquidation sale, wholesale offer or commercial quantities.
  • The product must be available for sale in Australia, by a retailer operating in Australia, either in a store or online.
  • The price must be the final price in Australian dollars. The final price is inclusive of any delivery charges, service or handling fees, taxes and any other charges associated with the delivery of the product.
 The following Terms & Conditions also apply:
  • Not to be used in conjunction with any other promotion or discount.
  • In assessing a competitor's price, we disregard any cashback, coupon, or gift card promotions they may be offering.
  • We reserve the right to limit sales to reasonable retail quantities.
  • We reserve the right to refuse the price match if the product price is below our cost or the lowest retail price set by the distributor or manufacture.
  • The product price is subject to our verification.